Saturday, March 29, 2008

Here is part of our group on the Promenade at Nice, waiting for us to leave.

Here are Camila, Lauren, and Alyssa, proving how beautiful and debonaire our student travelers are!

Greyson, Tyler, Andrew, & Jeff pose at RDU airport before we felt on our trip. thanks, Guys.

Here is Mr. D, solo at the same fountain. It was such a beautiful evening.

Photos from the first few days of our trip.

Alex Le May and Susan Hester are getting ready to start our tram tour of Nice, listening to Rita explain it all.

We made a group photo at one of the fountains in central Nice. Of course, there were a few idiot interlopers who tried to spoil our photo. This was made during our first day walking tour.

Here is Rita Pignatelli, our tour guide

Here is the photo of Rita that she sent us so I could recognize her. Pretty spifffy Glamour Shot!

Rita is giving us our "orders" on the English Promenade in Nice on Thursday, as we start our tram tour of Nice.