Wednesday, June 4, 2008


Friends are made on trips like this.

Eating our last Italian meal with the folks we have just spent a week and a half with.

This was a really great group of folks to tour Italy with!

The good memories will last longer than the photographs. For some this was the trip of a life-time.

If Mr. D can laugh, then it must have been great trip! Thanks everyone!


In the Vatican Museum, even the ceilings are covered with art.

More examples of ceiling art in the Vatican Museum.

One of the statues in the Vatican Museum.

One of the most famous statues in the world, the Pieta, by Michaelangelo, inside St. Peter's Basillica.


Elaine captured a parody of the Florentine statue "Rape of the Sabine Women". We call this "Rape of the Roman Guy".

One of the remaining ancient collumnades is shown against the afternoon Roman sky.

The Roman coliseum as seen from near Trajan's Arch.

Our group walks around some of the inner arches. Row 47, seat 200, anyone?

View of the Colesium. It is really big!

You can see just how big. This is some of our group, shot from across the Coliseum.

Another lone set of columns in the Forum.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

photos BY ELAINE WATKINS, Rome Walking Tour

On our 2nd day walking tour, we also went to the Spanish Steps, named thusly because of the Spanish Church at the top. It is also near some very snazzy shops.

On our walking tour of Rome the 2nd day, we stopped by the Trevi Fountain to throw a coin in and to buy some gelato from one of the little shops there (They have a bathroom!)

We had a walking tour just after we arrived in Rome by train, and we visited the Pantheon, one of the best preserved buildings of ancient Rome.

The Pantheon, which was a temple to all the gods, was only preserved in tact, because it was turned into a church by the early Christians. Here is a view of some of the church area. Note the chairs, they still have services there.

Plazza Navona, which was built on an ancient Roman racetrack, was another stop on our walking tour. Here you can see the church behind some of our kids. There are a lot of artists in this Plazza.

Monday, June 2, 2008

Photos BY ELAINE WATKINS, Lake Como Area

On our Lake Como Cruise, we saw a lot of fine landscape and some fine houses. This chateau was used in as part of the set in "Casino Royale", the last James Bond Movie.

Just up the lake from the "Bond" house is another Chateau, recently bought by Richard Branson, of Virgin Fame. I could live there!

A more traditional Chateau is on the other side of the lake. This one was where Tom Cruise had his last wedding, and it is rumored that he is trying to buy it! Napoleon actually slept in this one.

The lake-side town of Bellagio is just around the bend from the cruise house, and is where we stopped for lunch and shopping, just like the rich folks do!

Our group posing on the lake-side at Bellagio, about half-way through our cruise.