Thursday, May 29, 2008


In the Duomo Square in Pisa, this is the Baptistry. They had a separate building to get baptized in because in the Medieval church, you could not enter the cathedral (the Duomo) until you had been baptized.

This is a bird's eye view of the Baptistry tank. Almost big enough to swim in.

In this photo, you can compare the lean of the bell tower of Pisa with the corner of the Duomo, and see just how much it really leans.

This is a well-preserved piece of the old Pisa city wall, over 1000 years old.

Moving on to Florence that afternoon, we did a walking tour, and here is Elaine's photo of the Florence Duomo and Bell Tower (Campenelia). It does not really lean, even though in this photo it looks like it.

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